To register a host on Linux

For each host you want to register, you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Linux host via SSH and run the following command:
  2. Command Prompt

    # Example

    johndoe@linux:~$ sudo dtrm register_host

    *** NOTE: If you don't want to register this computer just yet, press ^C now.

  3. Please enter the desired display name for this host, or simply hit Enter to use its current network name, "linux".
  4. Command Prompt

    # Example

    Host name:

    *** Note: Host names are stored in the cloud in clear text (i.e. unencrypted). They are not visible to anyone without access to your account, but just in case don't name your hosts "Mom (née Byron)'s Laptop". Not that you would, anyway.

  5. To connect to your Disk & Tape Cloud account, we need your username, password, and a one-time code from your authenticator app (if 2FA is enabled). This is only needed once per host. Afterwards, cloud authentication will rely on the host's private API key generated during registration.
  6. Command Prompt

    # Example

    Username: johndoe

    Password: ***********

    Enter the six-digit 2FA code from your authenticator app: 636829

    *** NOTE: An encryption key (specific to this host) has just been generated. It is used to encrypt cloud data that is uploaded by or addressed to this host. The encryption key itself is NOT stored in the cloud. This means that neither operators of Disk & Tape Cloud nor anyone who somehow gains unauthorized access to encrypted cloud data will be able to decrypt it, seeing as all copies of the key shall forever remain in your possession. The key is stored locally in the host config file (run "dtrm --show-aes-key" to see it if you are curious).

    Command Prompt

    # Example

    This host has been successfully registered with Disk & Tape Cloud.

    Host name: linux

    Host ID: adc9cc07-df19-46e5-8f00-033d26938105

    Host API key: (hidden for security reasons, use "--show-api-key" to reveal)

    Host AES key: (hidden for security reasons, use "--show-aes-key" to reveal)

    D&T account: johndoe (00000000-d1bf-4e49-afc9-368ce3717fb2)

    Checking Disk & Tape Cloud service status...

    Cloud status: Reachable / Operating normally
